Asociación Española de Cooperación Europea (1954-?)

Identity area

Type of entity

Corporate body

Authorized form of name

Asociación Española de Cooperación Europea (1954-?)

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

  • AECE

Identifiers for corporate bodies


Description area

Dates of existence



Creada en 1954 por la Asociación Católica Nacional de Propagandistas (ACNP), su primer presidente fue el politico y diplomático Yanguas Messía, al que sucedió Francisco de Luis, antiguo director de El Debate y presidente de la Editorial Católica. Esta asociación estaba presidida por José María Gil Robles cuando fue invitado, junto con otros miembros de la Asociación, por el Consejo Federal Español del Movimiento Europeo a participar en el 4º congreso del Movimiento Europeo en 1962 en Munich. La firma de una resolución conjunta apostando por una salida democrática de la Dictadura de Franco implicó una reaacón del régimen que conllevó una represión política sobre sus miembros, que fueron deportados o expulsados de sus puestos universitarios.

Created in 1954 by the National Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACNP), its first president was the politician and diplomat Yanguas Messía, who was succeeded by Francisco de Luis, former director of El Debate and president of the Catholic Publishing House. This association was chaired by José María Gil Robles when he was invited, along with other members of the Association, by the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement to participate in the 4th Congress of the European Movement in 1962 in Munich. The signing of a joint resolution betting on a democratic exit from Franco's dictatorship implied a re-engagement of the regime that entailed political repression of its members, who were deported or expelled from their university jobs.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Access points area

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier


Institution identifier


Rules and/or conventions used


Level of detail

Dates of creation, revision and deletion


  • Spanish


  • Latin

Maintenance notes