Castroviejo, Concha (1913-1995)

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Castroviejo, Concha (1913-1995)

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

  • Asela (1913-1995)
  • Castroviejo Blanco, Concepción (1913-1995)
  • Castroviejo Blanco-Cicerón, Concepción (1913-1995)
  • Castroviejo, Concepción (1913-1995)
  • Castroviejo de Seijo, Concepción (1913-1995)

Identifiers for corporate bodies


Description area

Dates of existence



Escritora y periodista española. Hija del Catedrático de la Universidad de Santiago, Armando Castroviejo y hermana del poeta y escritor José María Castroviejo. Concha hizo sus primeros estudios en colegios franceses. A la muerte de su padre, que se oponía a que siguiera una carrera universitaria, Concha Castroviejo hizo el bachillerato y concluyó Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de Santiago.

Antes de iniciarse la Guerra Civil, contrajo matrimonio con Joaquín Seijo, un destacado universitario compostelano, con quien se exilió en México en 1939. A finales de los años cuarenta, volvió a España y comenzó a trabajar como periodista en el periódico La Noche, de Santiago de Compostela, donde hizo muy popular el seudónimo Asela. Más tarde, se tituló como periodista y comenzó a trabajar en el diario Informaciones y en la Hoja del Lunes, de Madrid, donde se distinguió por sus crónicas literarias. Su carrera como periodista la concluyó en la agencia Efe.

Spanish writer and journalist. Daughter of the professor at the University of Santiago Amando Castroviejo and sister of the poet and writer José María de Castroviejo, Concha began her studies in French schools. When her father died, who was opposed to her following with a university degree, Concha Castroviejo studied high school and finished Philosophy and Literature at the University of Santiago. Before the beginning of the Civil War, she got married with Joaquín Seijo, a notable university student from Compostela, with whom she went into exile to Mexico in 1939.

By the end of the forties she went back to Spain and began to work as a journalist at the newspaper La Noche, of Santiago de Compostela, where she made the pseudonym Asela really popular. Later she graduated as a journalist and began to work at the diary newspaper Informaciones and at La Hoja del Lunes, of Madrid, where she was distinguished by her literary chronicles. His career as a journalist concluded at the agency Efe.

Exiled Spanish writer and journalist. Daughter of the University of Santiago professor Armando Castroviejo and sister of the poet and writer José María Castroviejo. Concha studied her first school years in French school. When her father, who was against her wish to study at university, passed away, Concha Castroviejo studied her baccalaureate and graduated in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Santiago. Before starting the Spanish Civil War, she married Joaquín Seijo, a renown university student from Santiago de Compostela, with whom she went into exile to Mexico in 1939. At the end of the 50s she returned to Spain and started working as a journalist for the La Noche journal, of Santiago de Compostela, where she became known behind the pseudonym Asela. Later on, she graduated in Journalism and started working in the Informaciones diary and Hoja del Lunes, in Madrid, where she became known for her literary chronicles. Her career as a journalist concluded in the Efe agency.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities


Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Access points area

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier


Institution identifier


Rules and/or conventions used

ISAAR(CPF) - Norma Internacional sobre los Registros de Autoridad de Archivos relativos a Instituciones, Personas y Familias, 2ª ed., Viena: Consejo Internacional de Archivos, 2004.NPA2 - Normas para la elaboración de Puntos de Acceso normalizados de instituciones, personas, familias, lugares y materias en el sistema de descripción archivística de los Archivos Estatales. 2º Versión. Noviembre de 2012. [Norma no publicada. En proceso de evaluación].MABNE - Manual de autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional


Level of detail

Dates of creation, revision and deletion


  • Spanish


  • Latin


Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional.AGA, 52,13916 : Expediente personal del Registro Oficial de Periodistas (número exp. 2.121).CCBAE: Registro de Autoridad de Concha Castroviejo

Maintenance notes